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Vue Components


VueVentus is in a 0.x (alpha) status. It is in an post-experimental stage, and is suitable for rapid prototyping, but modules and components could change between minor releases. Additionally, there's more components and modules coming!

The VueVentus component system comes with a variety of Vue Components that are pre-configured with grouped Tailwind CSS classes controlled through Vue.js props.

Anchor Components

HTML <a> element based Vue Components.

Button Components

HTML <button> element based Vue Components.

Element Components

Variable HTML element based Vue Components.

Form Components

Form focused Vue Components.

Input Components

HTML <input> element based Vue Components.

List Item Components

HTML <ol>, <ul>, and <li> element based Vue Components.

Logo Components

VueVentus brand <svg> element based Vue Components. These components are included in the package both to allow downstream devs/designers to include tech stack information into an end app (thank you kindly 🥰), as well as giving designers/developers examples of how to use VueVentus with SVGs and Tailwind CSS animation-based atomic classes.

Select Components

HTML <select> element based Vue Components.

Textarea Components

HTML <input> element based Vue Components.

The VueVentus Module Flow

The following diagram helps to visualize the flow of how VueVentus settings, configurations and components are all woven into a Vue and Tailwind CSS application:

Released under the MIT License