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Getting Started


VueVentus is in a 0.x (alpha) status. It is in an post-experimental stage, and is suitable for rapid prototyping, but modules and components could change between minor releases. Additionally, there's more components and modules coming!

Welcome to the docs for VueVentus, a component library and styling management system for modern Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, and Typescript apps.

You'll find lots of information and insight here covering how to use the VueVentus data flows in the contexts of Vue.js and Tailwind CSS, to end the era of massive atomic class strings.

Installation Guides

But first, you'll need to choose your path for installation:


VueVentus is written in Typescript and with Vue SFC Composition API syntax!

Updating Installed Files

You can easily update all of your already installed VueVentus components and test files to the newest versions in one easy shot using the vv-update-locals CLI (excluding install only files).

Additionally, you can install any file from a vueventus CLI installation individually using the vv-update CLI!

The VueVentus Module Flow

The following diagram helps to visualize the flow of how VueVentus settings, configurations and components are all woven into a Vue and Tailwind CSS application:

Released under the MIT License