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vv-update-locals CLI

The vv-update-locals CLI is a project maintenance tool to help an existing application bring in new versions of files and test files into an existing VueVentus dependent application - sometime after a prior vueventus CLI installation.

Getting Started

Assuming you already installed VueVentus with a CLI tool or manually, you can start the vv-update-locals CLI with the command:

npx vv-update-locals

Choose Your Stack

Some files with the same name are different between different installation stacks. So first up, the vv-update-locals CLI will ask you which stack you are using. The currently supported stacks are:

  1. SPA Stack: Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Vue Router, Vite & Typescript
  2. SSG Stack: Vite-SSG, Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Pinia, Markdown, Auto-Loading & Typescript
  3. Nuxt 3 Stack: Nuxt 3, Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Pinia, Nuxt Content, & Typescript

Choose Your FontAwesome Version

Next up, you'll need to tell the vv-update-locals CLI which FontAwesome version you are using. The currently supported stacks are:

  1. FontAwesome Free
  2. FontAwesome Pro


Please note that the vv-update-locals CLI doesn't care if you've worked hard on customizing a file originally generated by the vueventus CLI!

This means the vv-update-locals CLI will overwrite a file if it already exists, so always be sure you have versioning or the ability to undo a vv-update-locals CLI selection to always ensure you have a way back out of an overwrite!

Enjoy and Profit

Now you can sit back (for like a second or two) while Node.js takes care of the updating. Just be sure to review each file and ensure you didn't lose any customizations you may have hacked in there. It's a pretty quick affair to use git and your IDE to add back in any overwritten customizations.

Happy Hacking! 🚀


If you'd like to skip ahead to the VvButton Test Drive, you'll skip the next install guide(s)!

Released under the MIT License