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Test Drive: VvButton

Now that everything is wired up, let's test drive the VvButton component.

Import VvButton

First we'll open up the ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue component, and import the VvButton component:

<script setup lang="ts">

    import { VvButton } from '@obewds/vueventus'


Next up, we can add our VvButton instance in the HelloWorld.vue SFC file <template> tag:



You should now see a button with default Tailwind CSS button classes like the one above!

Using the Color Prop

Next, let's change the color rapid prototyping style:

    <VvButton color="secondary">


Using the Palette Prop

Looking better! Next, let's switch our primary color button to an outline button color palette:

    <VvButton palette="outline">



So that's how colors and palettes work. Palettes are overall styling groups or themes, while colors are key/value pairs where the key describes the value and the value is a group of Tailwind CSS classes. Like color="primary", color="error" or color="success", etc.

Adding Classes

Next, let's switch back to a solid color palette by dropping the palette attribute (the default palette of the VvButton component is 'solid' and the default color is 'primary'). And let's add some rounded corners to our solid primary button, too:

    <VvButton class="rounded-lg">


Your VvButton component instance should now be a solid primary colored button with rounded corners!

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