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forceBodyClick() Helper Method

The forceBodyClick() Helper Method module provides a helper function that is a COMPLETE AND TOTALLY DIRTY HACK to be used sparingly as a bail out of temporary overlaying state scenarios like a modal with an underlying overlay.

The method is enclosed within a conditional that checks the window object's typeof value, to fail gracefully in SSR/SSG scenarios. And of course if the window and document pass the conditional, as the module name implies, the document's body element is used to trigger the built-in JavaScript method, and pull the document focus out of the current user's temporary overlaying view states.


The ideal use case for this method is to bail out of an off-canvas modal after a page state change in a JavaScript-driven application. So it's ideal for off-canvas nav links that trigger page reflows, but don't trigger server-side page refreshes due to client-side routing.

In these cases, even though this is a dirty hack... it gets the job done with the least amount of code across all browsers.

Nevertheless, try to only use a method like this if you have to, or are pinched for time, or are in a creative flow when prototyping!


To import the forceBodyClick() Helper Method:

import { forceBodyClick } from '@obewds/vueventus'


Returns: void

The forceBodyClick() Helper Method does not have any arguments.

Use Example

<button @click="forceBodyClick()">Close Modal</button>
// returns (void): Simulates .click() on the document's body element

Module Code

// ./src/helpers/forceBodyClick.ts

export default function (): void {
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && document) {
        document.body.dispatchEvent(new Event("click"))

Released under the MIT License