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randomGroundAndTextColors() Helper Method

The randomGroundAndTextColors() Helper Method module accepts two optional string arguments, and returns a <GroundTextColors> type interface object, which has JavaScript CSS Style formatted backgroundColor and color properties.

The backgroundColor property is assigned a random background color value, and the color property has an accessible contrast color for text on top of that background color.

The color property value returned by the randomGroundAndTextColors() Helper Method uses the awesome tinycolor (converted to esm by the excellent @thebespokepixel) dependency under the hood to check if the random generated backgroundColor color is "dark" or "light". So the randomGroundAndTextColors() Helper Method will determine that for you depending on the random backgroundColor color that is generated.

The two optional properties allow you to specify the text color for both the "dark" and "light" text colors the helper outputs respectively.


To import the randomGroundAndTextColors() Helper Method:

import { randomGroundAndTextColors } from '@obewds/vueventus'


Returns: <GroundTextColors> Object (GroundTextColors Interface)

darkTextColorStringOptionalThe color code value for randomly generated dark backgroundColor colors, where the default value is #fff
lightTextColorStringOptionalThe color code value for randomly generated light backgroundColor colors, where the default value is #000

Use Examples

Pure JavaScript:

console.log( randomGroundAndTextColors() )
// returns (<GroundTextColors>):
// { backgroundColor: "#0135f7", color: "#fff" } or
// { backgroundColor: "#76a1cb", color: "#000" } etc...

console.log( randomGroundAndTextColors('#f8f8f8', '#111') )
// returns (<GroundTextColors>):
// { backgroundColor: "#256228", color: "#f8f8f8" } or
// { backgroundColor: "#7597d7", color: "#111" } etc...

In a Vue SFC:

<!-- ./src/components/someComponent.vue -->

<script setup lang="ts">

    import { randomGroundAndTextColors } from '@obewds/vueventus'



    <div class="p-5" :style="randomGroundAndTextColors()">
        Random Style One

    <div class="p-5" :style="randomGroundAndTextColors('#f8f8f8', '#111')">
        Random Style Two

Module Code

// ./src/helpers/randomGroundAndTextColors.ts

import { tinycolor } from '@thebespokepixel/es-tinycolor'
import randomHex from './randomHex'
import type { GroundTextColors } from '../types/GroundTextColors'

export default function (darkTextColor: string = '#fff', lightTextColor: string = '#000'): GroundTextColors {

    let colors = {  backgroundColor: '', color: '' }
    let ground = tinycolor(randomHex(), {})
    let groundIsDark = ground.isDark()

    colors.backgroundColor = '#' + String(ground.toHex(false))
    colors.color = groundIsDark ? darkTextColor : lightTextColor

    return colors


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