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formatDateTraditional() Helper Method

The formatDateTraditional() Helper Method module provides a helper function that converts a passed JavaScript Date object and two optional string arguments, and returns a traditional full length word for the month and a 2 digit day followed by a comma, a space, and then finally a 4 digit year.

The method's second optional property accepts one of two string values of either "long" or "short", where the default long value outputs full length month names, while the short value outputs 3 character abbreviated month names.

Lastly, the method's third optional property currently accepts one of three string values of either "english", "french", or "spanish", where the default english value outputs full/short month names using English words, or full/short month names using French or Spanish words respectively.


To import the formatDateTraditional() Helper Method:

import { formatDateTraditional } from '@obewds/vueventus'


Returns: String

dateDate objectRequiredA JavaScript Date object set to the desired date
formatStringOptionalExpects a string with a value of either "short" or "long" and sets either short or long form verbiage for the output traditional date string
languageStringOptionalExpects a string with a value of either "english", "french" or "spanish" and sets the langue of the output traditional date string's month value

Use Examples

    formatDateTraditional( new Date('10/10/2020') )
// returns (string): 'October 10, 2020'
    formatDateTraditional( new Date('10/10/2020'), 'short' )
// returns (string): 'Oct 10, 2020'
    formatDateTraditional( new Date('10/10/2020'), 'long', 'french' )
// returns (string): 'Octobre 10, 2020'
    formatDateTraditional( new Date('12/10/2020'), 'long', 'spanish' )
// returns (string): 'Diciembre 10, 2020'
    formatDateTraditional( new Date('12/10/2020'), 'short', 'spanish' )
// returns (string): 'Dic 10, 2020'

Module Code

// ./src/helpers/formatDateTraditional.ts

import monthNames from './monthNames'

export default function (date: Date, format: 'long' | 'short' = 'long', language: 'english' | 'french' | 'spanish' = 'english'): string {
    return monthNames()[language][format][date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ', ' + date.getFullYear()

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